

Win First. Then Go To Battle.

Here are some of the practical tools available for you to begin developing your game NOW. We look forward to seeing what you will do with it!

What you’ll need: 

Soccer ball. Soccer field. Brick wall.

  • If you cannot get to a soccer field, any field will do.

  • Brick is ideal, but any durable flat surface will suffice.

How it works: 

Part 1: Watch soccer. A lot. Seeing the game played is the easiest way to understand the game. 

Part 2: Spending time with the ball and making the ball do what you want to do, and not vice versa. You will enjoy playing soccer so much more when you are comfortable with the ball at your feet. 

To get the most benefit from this plan, try to do these as often as possible. Pick at least 2 of these to work on each session.

There are links (bold text below)to instructional videos for those who are visual learners or those who are new to the game and its terminology.

Activity 1 - Walking The Ball

Activity 2 - Basic + Modified Wall Progressions

Activity 3 - Striking The Ball

  • 10 minutes

  • Start with striking the ball inside the 6 and working your way outwards. Get to know what your range is. Take note of where you start, and continuously try to increase your distance.

    Use this as a warm-up, jogging to retrieve the ball, and dribbling back with the right foot and then left foot, alternating.

    Focus on getting distance and lift under the ball. Then try to develop accuracy.

Keys To Success:

Have a builder’s mindset.

You don’t build the roof of a house first, you start with the foundation, then the house framework, then walls, etc. Get your soccer basics locked down and the rest will follow. 

Do not compare your development to someone else’s.

Each person is unique in their skill set and ability. To begin comparing yourself to someone else takes away from seeing and embracing what your true abilities are and how to get the most out of your unique skill set.

Accept that there are skills you don’t have yet.

Understanding this is the foundation of becoming better at anything, regardless of skill level. Plus, it keeps you humble. 

Skill is not automatic. It requires involvement. Until you try to do something beyond what you have mastered, you will never grow. But, the key word to remember is “yet”. 

You may not have a particular skill yet, but with diligent practice you will definitely improve from where you started. 

Do not be afraid of not knowing something, be excited to accomplish something you’ve never done before; and once that skill or level is acquired it is yours forever. 

Be selective but dedicated. 

Practice can be hard, so work smarter. Focusing on too many things at once limits your ability to master any one thing. Pick one skill. Get really good at it. Repeat. 

Mastery requires dedication. You can’t be a master of something you don’t do. 

Silence your inner critic. 

One of the biggest barriers to accomplishing anything is telling yourself you can’t do it, it’s too hard, you are not good enough, etc. This is untrue, you a capable of anything you put your mind to. 

Remember that silencing your inner critic requires practice. Practice it in your everyday life, and it will translate into the way you practice soccer.

Practice. Practice. Practice. 

Practice. Practice. Practice.